I'm sure as time goes on I'll be a bit more proficient at this - so if things are a bit rusty, it's because I've never done a video blog before, so please excercise 2 Peter 1:2 in sharing the grace you have been given with me.
I am looking forward to the blog. It's not a book one would normally pick to do a blog on, so it should be interesteing.
No only do you have the distinction of doing a great job on your first video blog, but doing a great job on the first video blog I have ever watched! Cool, or what!?!
Just to clarify, I thought you said it was written in 7BCE- did you mean 700 BCE? What indications do we have as to when it was written? Is my Bible correct in dating the events in Judges to 1375-1055 BCE?
Occurred you are correct Janta - you can see the occurrence timeline at this link: http://www.preceptaustin.org/bible_maps.htm
But John Collins' book 'INTRODUCTION TO THE HEBREW BIBLE' - fortress press Aug. 1984 Chapter 9 on 'deuteronomistic history' page 184 states that the history was put together and edited no earlier than the late 7th century, likely during the reign of Josiah. This is clear in the positive manner it portrays the monarchy - and the final edition of these books (as listed Joshua, Judges, 1 and 2 Samuel and 1 and 2 Kings) must be dated no earlier than the Babylonian exile.
Collins is referencing Martin Noth's dissertation from 1991 in his 'deuteranomistic history'
I am looking forward to the blog. It's not a book one would normally pick to do a blog on, so it should be interesteing.
Looking good!
Well done, Pastor A.
No only do you have the distinction of doing a great job on your first video blog, but doing a great job on the first video blog I have ever watched! Cool, or what!?!
Keep up the good work!
Hi A,
Just to clarify, I thought you said it was written in 7BCE- did you mean 700 BCE? What indications do we have as to when it was written? Is my Bible correct in dating the events in Judges to 1375-1055 BCE?
Occurred you are correct Janta - you can see the occurrence timeline at this link:
But John Collins' book 'INTRODUCTION TO THE HEBREW BIBLE' - fortress press Aug. 1984 Chapter 9 on 'deuteronomistic history' page 184 states that the history was put together and edited no earlier than the late 7th century, likely during the reign of Josiah. This is clear in the positive manner it portrays the monarchy - and the final edition of these books (as listed Joshua, Judges, 1 and 2 Samuel and 1 and 2 Kings) must be dated no earlier than the Babylonian exile.
Collins is referencing Martin Noth's dissertation from 1991 in his 'deuteranomistic history'
oh - yes, I meant 700bce - how did I miss that!?! ARG! ANDREW GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT! - Go easy on me, that was my first video blog EVER. Ha ha :)
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